Images: Adam Finch
Support the BPO
Investment in volunteer organisations enables communities to be enriched through cultural diversity, artistic exchange, collaboration, and self-expression. Brisbane's successes, like the greatest cities worldwide, are measured through its inhabitants' productivity and quality of life. Organisations like the BPO are catalysts for creating a happy, expressive, and empowered population. We thank everyone who continues to assist us in our work in the greater Brisbane community.
The BPO is wholly operated and maintained by volunteer members who are passionate about delivering high-quality classical music performances for Brisbane community musicians and audiences.
Brisbane Philharmonic Association Inc (ABN 12 092 897 904) is a:
Not-for-profit organisation endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR);
A Registered Charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC); and
An organisation listed on the Australian Government’s Register of Cultural Organisations.
Donations can be made directly to Brisbane Philharmonic Orchestra via the secure donation platform GiveNow.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
Major Supporters
Brisbane City Council
The Brisbane Philharmonic Orchestra is proudly supported by Brisbane City Council.
Brisbane Airport Corporation
The Brisbane Airport Corporation generously contributes an annual sponsorship amount to the Brisbane Philharmonic Orchestra.